Happy Spring! What A beautiful time of the year. The bursting open of our spring flowers and trees just put you in a good mood! Making new business contacts is easier as more people are out and about longer in the evening, our ball fields are constantly full of kids and parents and spring bazaars and events are almost every weekend. This spells OPPORTUINY for anyone looking to make new connections!
OFBPA is pleased to announce that they will now include Rosedale as part of their business association. I’ve contact many key leaders in the past few months and all agree that the Rosedale business community is an untapped resource and to my knowledge has never had a business association. Rosedale is our business neighbor and we will be reaching out to as many of the business that we can in the next few weeks. We will be hosting a meeting to include our Rosedale business community leaders and business owners on June 7th at the Rosedale Public Library at 5 pm. I NEED YOUR HELP! We need to create a list of our Rosedale neighbors and asking if you have any “connections” if you would please share so I can create a spreadsheet. Also I ask for your support in welcoming our new business partners by attending our June 7th meeting.
We welcome the new Belair Mart convenience store located in the plaza at Belair Road and Taylor Avenue. New owner, Kirshan Advani encourages you to stop in. He has completely remodeled the business and it looks great! A belated special thanks to Senator Kathy Klausmeier’s office with helping Kirshan get in touch with the right people at the Lottery to help with the application process.
We are in need of business members and community leaders to join our board. Due to job changes, and extended family crises we have lost several people over the past year. We only have 3 folks on our board and if we do not get folks to get involved, we may not have an organization. Frankly, I cannot continue to “do it all” as there not enough hours in the day. You have good ideas and we need them to move our organization forward. 90% of what we do is via email. Can you take on one project? Most of what needs to be done can be done at your convenience. Meetings are monthly—can you attend and help with sign in? Board meetings are approx... Once a quarter for 2 hours. We also need members to help out at events and meetings. GET INVOLVED if you want to keep OFBPA as a viable business organization!
2017 fireworks proudly presented by: Jerry's Toyota
The committee is holding its 1st Annual Fullerton Fireworks Golf Tournament on June 10, 2017 at the Wetlands Golf Course in Aberdeen, MD. We invite you to advertise your business by contributing an item, gift card or a cash donation to be used for our auction/raffle baskets. We also are offering hole sponsorships for $100 which includes your business name/logo on an 18” x24” yard sign to be displayed at the golf course. Click here for golf flyer Click here for golf hole sponsorand raffle basket donations
Fullerton Fireworks Change Containers. Once again OFBPA will sponsor change collection containers in our local businesses and at local community association meetings. Our goal is to place 50 throughout our communities, including Overlea-Fullerton, Parkville, Perry Hall, Rosedale and Gardenville. These are the communities that surround the fireworks area. If your community association can take a container to local events and meetings or your business can “host” one, please contact Donna Bethke at 410-665-6551 or [email protected] or Renee Smith at 410-812-2971 or [email protected] and we will drop one off to you ASAP. We average approx... $500-$800 in “change” each year.
Our 2017 Business & Community Guides will be arriving in the next week or two. Our books features all our 2016 and 2017 members, our local community associations, FYI about Baltimore County Office of Economic Development and programs for our small businesses, a feature on one of our local businesses and much more. This book is great for all our residents and businesses who are looking at who is local as well as our “new to the neighborhood” folks as it features FYI on our local school, churches, and senior centers and shopping plazas. You can find our books at the public libraries in White Marsh, Perry Hall and Rosedale, our local businesses including Eastern Savings and People’s Banks. If your community or school would like them for your students and staff, please email me with quantity needed and we will drop them off to you ASAP. We promote and support our local businesses and ask that you do as well!
Sudsville is under roof and workers are onsite daily. They are looking at a late spring/early summer opening. Will keep you posted as new FYI is available.
The Fullerton Plaza managed by Kimco will be undergoing an AWESOME re-facing in 2017. We will see a newly improved shopping plaza with a brand new look and new tenants including a much anticipated Weis Markets. Weis Market will be located in the old K-Mart building with another retail store on the very end closest to Fitch Avenue—that store is TBA. Weis is looking to open Winter, 2017/Spring, 2018.
Update as of May 5, 2017: I've been in touch with Royal Farms and they are preparing for a special exception hearing with the Administrative Law Judge. Even though this is still a public hearing, it's more of a formality since gaining approval through the CZMP process. The judge gives his ruling in approx. 2-3 weeks. Once approval is given then Royal Farms has approx. 6 months of filing of permits with Baltimore County. The build out can begin. I will keep you updated as I get more FYI. Respectfully, Donna Bethke, President
HARBEL has an opportunity to raise some funds and save you money at the same time through Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends shopping passes. For the low price of $5.00 you can shop at Boscov’s at White Marsh on October 17th and receive discounts of up to 25% on your purchases. You will also receive free refreshments and the opportunity to register to win prizes including three $500 shopping sprees. While you are receiving discounts at Boscov’s the entire ticket price will help HARBEL’s programs that provide critical services to all the residents of Northeast Baltimore. Tickets can be purchased at HARBEL or from Mike Hilliard. For more information or to purchase your tickets contact: Mike [email protected], Mary Eileen at [email protected], or Michon at [email protected], or call 410-444-2100
**** Teen Driving Safety Day Saturday, May 13, 2017 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Lord Baltimore Building 2900 Lord Baltimore Drive On May 13, 2017 BGE will be hosting their annual Teen Driver Safety Day. This is a great event for those with teens who have their learner’s permit, new license or will be getting their learner’s within the next 6 months. Registration begins at 0730 and the event runs until 12:30. There is a small presentation in the morning followed by fun and interactive stations. This event is for the families of Baltimore County Police Employees and not open to the general public. The registration form is attached. Please RSVP by May 10th. If you have any questions, please call or email me. Thank you and Stay Safe, Officer Cynthia Spriggs #4586, Baltimore County Police Department, Traffic Management Unit 410-887-7361 or Contact Office Jason Goorevitz………………[email protected]
**** A World of Friends School was established in 2005. We serve children 2-12 yrs. old. Our certified teachers provide quality programing for all of our students of all abilities. We develop the whole child offering not only academics but provide nutritional balanced meals and also daily physical activity. Children learn through teacher and student directed, authentic lessons. Students participate in community field trips to enhance the lessons they learn in their classroom. We have partnered with Charm City Therapy to provide Occupational and Speech & Language Therapy for our children on campus. We offer vision and hearing screenings as well for our students. We would love to show you around if you know a child that is in need of a high quality, early childhood education then contact us at 443-835-0738. Our website can also answer provide you with more information about us. www.eastsidequalitycare.com
**** Support Group--Monday, May 22 Discussion Topic: Caregiver Grief, Mourning & Guilt 6 - 7 pm Dinner (and wine) will be served. Join us for this great opportunity to learn more about interacting with and caring for those who have memory loss and get your questions answered by certified Alzheimer's Association speaker, Deborah Hanna.
Brightview White Marsh 8100 Rossville Blvd. Nottingham, MD 21236
RSVP to Michelle at (410) 668-1588 or [email protected] (PLUS Save the Date - June 26 - Managing Difficult Behaviors)
Award Honors Asian Americans in Baltimore County in Celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz announced that he will recognize the 2017 recipients of the Baltimore County Asian American Excellence Award —a recognition event to be held in May, which is designated Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This award is presented to individuals whose life work has successfully contributed to the vitality of the greater Baltimore County region, and whose efforts inspire others to strive for success and to celebrate the diversity and achievement that is our strength. The awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 9 at the Owings Mills branch of the Baltimore County Public Library, located at 10302 Grand Central Avenue in Owings Mills. The 2017 Awardees are: (Harry is a Linover Resident) Harry (H.B.) Bhandari emigrated from his native Nepal. He is an educator for Baltimore City Public Schools and an adjunct faculty member of Baltimore City Community College. He served as National Secretary of Young Democrats of America Minority Caucus, President of Linover Community Association, and Board Member in District Six Democratic and Civic Association Club. He is a member of the Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Language, Literary and Culture at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Low-Cost Rabies Vaccination Clinics Baltimore County offer clinics at multiple locations across the County Baltimore County, Maryland — Keep your pet and your family safe this fall by taking advantage of Baltimore County Department of Health’s low-cost rabies vaccination clinics. The clinics are scheduled from May 6 through 31 at nine sites. Vaccinations protect domestic animals and humans from rabies, which is a potentially fatal disease. Vaccinations are $8 and available to cats, dogs and ferrets owned by County residents. The clinics will be held rain or shine. Animals receiving rabies shots must be at least 12 weeks old. All animals must be on leashes or in carriers. Due to time constraints, safety and escape risk, and uncontrollable animals will not be vaccinated during the clinics. Aggressive dogs must be muzzled. All cats must be contained in a properly sized, escape-proof carrier. Exact change is appreciated, as cash and checks will be the only forms of payment accepted. Baltimore County law requires pets to be licensed and for rabies vaccinations to be kept up-to-date. Other precautions against rabies include obeying leash laws and avoiding contact with wild animals or unknown domestic animals. If your pet has had contact with a wild animal, notify your veterinarian. Additionally, if you have been bitten or scratched by an animal, seek medical attention. Bite and scratch exposures from any animal to a human or pet exposure to wildlife are also reportable to the local Health Department, Police Department or Animal Control authority. For additional information on how to protect your pet against rabies, contact Baltimore County Animal Services at 410-887-PAWS (7297).
Good afternoon, We are pleased to announce the launch of the Clean Green Baltimore County Facebook page, @CleanGreenBaltCo. Clean Green Baltimore County is a “one-stop shop” providing residents and businesses with the latest news and information on county initiatives, services and resources that support sustainable living in Baltimore County. Help us spread the word! Please consider sharing the following message in your organization’s e-newsletters, online news bulletins, and email subscriber mailing lists. Thank you, and we look forward to connecting with you!
Baltimore County Government is excited to announce the launch of a new Facebook page promoting the County’s commitment to making our communities more sustainable. Clean Green Baltimore County will serve as a resource for residents seeking to become better environmental stewards while also highlighting eco-friendly achievements throughout our county. The Clean Green Baltimore County Facebook page will post useful information and resources related to various Baltimore County agencies, including, but not limited to: Department of Environmental Protection & Sustainability Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections Department of PlanningDepartment of Public Works Department of Recreation & Parks Office of Budget & Finance, Property Management Division, Energy Management & Sustainability Section Head over to facebook.com/CleanGreenBaltCo and “like” our page to see environmentally-friendly tips and strategies, sustainable success stories from around the County, and noteworthy environmental initiatives from across the globe. Sign up for Facebook notifications from @CleanGreenBaltCo to stay up-to-date on our continued pursuit toward a cleaner, greener Baltimore County. If your organization has a Facebook page, please consider sharing the Clean Green Baltimore County page with your followers. We look forward to connecting with you!
The 33rd Annual Parkville Towne Center Fair will take place on Saturday, September 9th, 2017. The Fair offers a fun day of music, family friendly activities, entertainment, food and shopping! There will be a showcase of local businesses, crafters, retailers, service providers and food vendors.The Parkville Towne Center Fair is made possible through our participating Vendors and Sponsors. We are currently accepting applications for Vendors and have Sponsorship opportunities available. Please visit www.ParkvilleFair.com for more info. Including online registration!
Grow Your Business and Career Friday, May 12 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Hunt Valley Inn -245 Shawan Road Hunt Valley, MD 21030 Visit over 50 vendors, attend FREE 3 breakout sessions, and network with close to 600 Baltimore Business professionals in one morning. Be sure to attend BBJ's Business Growth Expo on May 12th. Register and visit the event website to view the vendors and breakout session topics and schedule. **** Greetings are you prepared for an emergency?
Emergency Preparedness Instruction will be given June 10, 2017 By: An Emergency Preparedness Demonstrator From the Operations Administrator’s Office of Emergency Operations Maryland Department of Human Resources
The American Red Cross will be present to answer critical questions. Other entities will be available with interesting information.
Time: 12 to 3pm Place: Woodlawn Memorial park, 1936 Woodlawn Drive, Woodlawn, MD 21207
You are welcome to join us For a Day of Safety at Whatchamacallit Day When we meet: The 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 PM except holidays and the first Monday in June, we meet on the 2nd Monday.
If April showers bring May flowers, blooms should be in abundance this year! We're celebrating the arrival of Spring with a variety of programs: Nature Connections: Explore the Life of Streams, May 21 Spring Planting Day at NHSM, May 20 Community Events: Overlea Arts Fest, May 13, and Farmer's Markets begin May 20 Lep Club begins May 25 Sunday, May 21, 1pm-4pm: Nature Connections - Explore the Life of StreamsThis 'Nature Connection' is made possible from a generous individual donation. We thank you! What role do streams play in our life? What animals and insects live in that swirling, churning world? How are our streams different today than before this region was developed? How has urbanization impacted the course and quality of our streams? A fascinating group of organizations and scientists will be on hand to give you new ideas of stream life, human impact, and how we can rejuvenate our water quality. A presentation, several inter-active stations, and activities tailored to children will help you explore the "Life of Streams". 1:30pm / Featured presenter: Stan Kemp, aquatic ecology researcher Ongoing from 1pm-4pm / throughout the afternoon, you are invited to visit these stations. Stop in at your convenience, stay as long as you like, and ask as many questions as you think of: Dan Dillon, Manager of Field Research will discuss and display information about the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, a long-term ecological research project to learn how an urban area works as an ecological system Ken Belt, Hydrologist, Aquatic Ecologist with the US Forest Service will have information on his work re ecological pathways of stream detritus in city drainages Amy Young will represent the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy with information on stream cleanups, rain barrels, rain gardens and other ways we can help keep our streams clean Jim Young, professional entomologist and NHSM associate, will be on hand to discuss and display aquatic specimensCrafts & activities for children And always, our NHSM professionals are on hand to chat with you and you are invited to browse our natural history collections on permanent display at the Center FREE ADMISSION / OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Location: 6908 Belair Road Baltimore, MD 21206 (in Overlea) Our Center is about one mile inside the Beltway at the intersection with Chesley Avenue. Plenty of free public parking is located just across Belair Road in a large lot. Handicap accessible parking is available on our lot. Community Events at NHSM: Our neighbors in Overlea are strong supporters of NHSM. We're pleased that our center can be the location for the 2nd Annual Overlea Arts Fest on Saturday, May 13. And beginning May 20, stop by every-other-Saturday morning for the Overlea Farmer's Market.
Connect with Nature at NHSM: We have activities for the beginner nature enthusiast to those wanting to spend more time studying a particular topic to programs for the entire family! Find all of our events, courses, and field trips listed on our Meetup page and Facebook. Thank You for Your Support! Your donation is an important part of our ability to offer a wide variety of programs, outings, and nature education courses. Please support us with a contribution. We hope to see you at one of our programs! Anita Tyler, Special Programs Manager on behalf of the NHSM team.
TOTAL FLOOR COVERING SERVICES 8124 Pulaski Highway, Rosedale, MD 21237 Phone: 410-665-2800 Fax: 410-668-7279 [email protected] Family owned and operated for 47 years *Woman owned and operated - WBE Certification pending 15, 000 square foot showroom and warehouse specializing in ALL flooring products and services.
Just Audio Repair Center is looking for a qualified candidate for our parts department. Must have great communication and computer skills. Be able to work full time in a high paced environment. Duties include parts ordering, communicating with manufacturers and distributors, inventory control, some cleaning and heavy lifting. Please forward resume' to [email protected] or call 410-882-4360. Just Audio Repair Center 7907 Harford Road Parkville, MD 21234
Dear Friends, During the recent legislative session I sent out a constituent survey to find out which issues were most important to northeastern Baltimore County residents. I can't say that I was surprised to learn that the uptick in property crime was the #1 concern in our district. We choose to live in communities like Parkville, Carney, Perry Hall, Nottingham, Overlea, Fullerton, and Rosedale because they offer great schools and a high quality of life, and because the neighborhoods here have always provided a safe place to raise a family. Crime can disrupt these expectations, degrade property values, and drive people away from their homes. We've got to address this issue head-on. Please join me, Baltimore County State's Attorney Scott Schellenberger, and Captains Stephen Troutman and Christopher Kelly of the Baltimore County Police Department on May 17 at the Parkville Senior Center to learn how we can come together as a community to make sure that Baltimore County continues to be an ideal place to live, work, and raise a family. Let's send a message that crime has no place here. Your Delegate,
May 17, 2017 at 6:30 PM Parkville Senior Center 8601 Harford Road Parkville, MD 21234 Questions or to RSVP contact: [email protected]http://christianmiele.nationbuilder.com/ Authority: Friends of Christian Miele | Treasurer: Richard "Maynard" Thurfield **** Dear Community Leaders, As a parent of a child with Autism, I am deeply concerned about Baltimore County Council Bill 22-17 which would eliminate the requirement for hotels and motels to have a lifeguard on duty during pool operation hours. Children with Autism are drawn to water and drowning accounts for 90% of the deaths in the United States. Also, Lifeguards are trained to provide lifesaving CPR if a guest near the pool goes into Cardiac Distress. Supporters of Bill 22-17 say that this will lift a costly burden from the hotels in Baltimore County. I ask, why are Hotel Profits for owners with names like Trump and Hilton more important than having someone on duty who can save a life? My Great Aunt Anna says, How Chincy can you get? Imagine if you or a loved one suffered a medical emergency at the Hotel pool, and there was nobody trained on duty to help? Sadly, there is nothing that can be done to bring that person back, but there is something that you can do now to help prevent this rule change from happening. Please consider sending an e-mail to your Baltimore County Council Representative at [email protected], and ask them to please vote no on Bill 22-17!!! The bill will be discussed at the Work Session on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 2 p.m. Final Reading and Vote will occur at the Legislative Session on Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 10 a.m. in the Council Chambers. If you know anybody who would be willing to testify against the bill at the hearing, please let them know about the date. Please help, you could save a life. Here is the link to the County Website. Look under pending legislation marked Swimming Pools. http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/countycouncil/legislation/pending%20legislation.html In the interest of full disclosure, I feel compelled to mention that I am a Candidate for Baltimore County Council District 6. However, my sincere opposition to Bill 22-17, which removes the requirement for Hotels and Motels to have a trained lifesaving specialist on duty during pool hours, is expressed not as a Candidate, but as a Parent and Education Advocate. Please accept my apology for the over-site. Thanks, Glen Geelhaar Candidate for Baltimore County Council District 6 Authority: Friends of Glen Geelhaar, Treasurer Barbara Roberts
Donna Bethke, President www.ofbpa.com 410-665-6551 410-882-5194 (f) [email protected] www.youravon.com/dbethke